CRSEA committee on informational technology began its work


On November 20 was organized the first meeting of the committee on informational technology in the CRSEA history. Committee on informational technology is one of three committees established on the last meeting of the General Assembly of the Confederation of Rightholders’ Societies of Europe and Asia. Representatives of the organizations – CRSEA members became the participants of the committee.

Panel discussion connected with the committee program for the next year roused a keen response. All members of the meeting said that it was necessary to organized analytical information exchange and science study results about antipiracy actions.

Everybody bought the idea of analyzing all types of protection and use of copyright products. Also during the meeting was announced an initiative to organize Creative Global Talks discussion about the application of different technology in IP sphere.

It was unanimously resolved that planned session of Creative Global Talks would include not only all effective technology for IP protection and development, but also feedback from representatives and creators of technologies, and reaction of market representatives about the usage of services.

As a result of the meeting committee members arranged about finalizing annual workplan and start to realize it.

The next meeting of the committee is planned for March 2021. In general meetings will be hold 2 times a year.

CRSEA press-office