CRSEA members completed the curriculum of professional development programme
77 representatives of CRSEA country-members successfully completed the curriculum of the professional development programme «Technique of security in rights in the process of creation and using results of creative activities and communication with rightholders». Educational course was especially launched for CRSEA members by the lectors of the Scientific-educational center on the intellectual property and digital economy Digital IP.
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During the course, among other tasks, students learnt basic concepts and cleared actual aspects of collective management of copyright and related rights, were acquainted with digital instruments and services for counting results of creative activities and learnt special aspects of contracts in creative sphere.
Students are said to be interested with materials of the course that were useful not only for recent graduates but also for experienced specialists. So head of Copyright and related rights department of the National Center of Intellectual Property (NCIP) of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Denisman speaking about work of colleagues and secondaries, noted that information presented by experts had been used in practice yet.
«Clearly information that was presented on the course would be useful for future reference: in contract work with rightholders and users, in the process of database building, rightholders protection» he clarified.
On the opinion of the representative of NCIP, training course is interesting because of detailed, understandable and reasonable presentation of topics connected with work of organization that directed property rights. Explanations of working process of digital platforms and services for profitability analysis of creative work and property rights direction were of special interest.
The representative of the State Service of IP and Innovation under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzpatent) confirmed in his opinion about effectiveness of studying. At the same time she stressed such important things in educational process as experts` explanation of current legal issues in the sphere of creative work. For example, information about work in the sphere of film industry had been used on the practice yet.
«Some aspects connected with work with the representatives of movie-making arise difficulties – entering into contractual relationships between creators of audiovisual works (producers, producing studios) and authors. Information that was presented by experts helped us to understand controversial points» said the representative of Kyrgyzpatent.
Generalizing all comments, students spoke with one voice that all topics and legal nuances have been explained very detailed, clearly that is very important in the professional activities of representatives of different organizations in the sphere of law protection.
Lessons were conducted by Director of Digital IP, R&D Vice-President of the Federation of Intellectual Property, candidate of legal sciences Ekaterina Chukovskaya, Academic director of the Scientific-educational center on the intellectual property and digital economy Ivan Bliznetc and assistant professor of Digital IP, candidate of legal sciences Konstantin Leontiev.
CRSEA press-office