Regulation for the committee




1.1. The Committees of the Confederation of Rightholders’ Societies of Europe and Asia International Association in the Field of Collective Management of Rights (the “Committee” and “Association” respectively) are not management bodies of the Association and are established in different areas of the copyright and allied rights.
The number of Committees in the Association is unlimited.

1.2. The Committee activities are based on the principles of freedom of discussion, publicity and collegiality of decision making.

1.3. The legal, organizational, documentary analytical, information, material and technical, social support of the Committee activities is ensured by the Administrative Department of the Association Secretariat.

1.4. The decisions on establishment and liquidation of the Committee, the number of its members, name and change of the name are made by the General Secretary of the Association with consideration for the Association Charter and these Regulations.


2.1. The key objectives of the Committee are:

2.1.1. development of proposals, recommendations, conclusions for the General Assembly regarding the copyright and allied rights within the corresponding area of the Committee activities;

2.1.2. analysis of the practical application of laws to issues being within the competence of the Committee;

2.1.3. studies, expert examinations and analysis of the overall condition of the represented industry;

2.1.4. development of proposals regarding improvement of laws in the field of copyright and allied rights that correspond to the object and objectives of the Association activity;

2.1.5. consideration and implementation of orders of the Association Presidium and Secretary General;

2.1.6. preparation of the report on the Committee activities for a calendar year and submission thereof to the Association Secretary General for approval. The Association Secretary General may submit the report on the Committee activities to the General Assembly for consideration and approval;

2.1.7. provide the Secretary General with the written or oral report on development of the presented area of activity.


3.1. In order to solve the problems specified in Section 2 hereof, the Committee may within its competence:

3.1.1. arrange and hold the roundtable discussions, seminars and other events concerning the copyright and allied rights;

3.1.2. make proposals as to the arrangement by the Association of events connected with development of the copyright and allied rights in the territory of the Association member state;

3.1.3. offer advice to the Association management bodies and its members within the framework of the presented area of activity, cooperate with the authorized bodies of the country, in which the Association member operates;

3.1.4. initiate, hold joint meetings, conferences with participation of other Committees of the Association as may be required and in case of intersection of the areas of concern of the Committees.


4.1. The Committee is made up of representatives of the Association members, Association partners as well as professionals, experts and specialists in the corresponding area of the Committee activity. The Committee composition is approved by the decision of the Secretary General upon the recommendation of the Association members.

4.2. Each member of the Association may be represented maximum by three delegates in the Committee, which goals and objectives correspond to its actual or planned activities. At the same time, maximum two delegates of the associated members of the Association may take part in the Committee meeting.

4.3. The Head of the Committee is appointed by the Secretary General upon the recommendation of the Committee members for two years. A delegate acting for an Association member may be the Head of the Committee if previous Head of the Committee was a delegate of the same member of the Association.

4.4. The Committee activities are carried out according to the suggested work program approved by the Committee or Secretary General for the current year.

4.5. The Head of the Committee:

  • ensures general management of the Committee activities;
  • acts for the Committee in relations with other bodies and members of the Association;
  • makes proposals concerning quantitative composition and rules of procedure of the Committee headed by him/her;
  • notifies the Committee members in advance about the place and time of an ordinary meeting of the Committee;
  • convenes meetings of the Committee on his/her own initiative or upon request of at least 1/4 of the total number of the Committee members;
  • presides at meetings of the Committee, signs the meeting minutes and decisions of the Committee;
  • in case of his/her absence, commits one of the Committee members to discharge the duties of the Committee Head;
  • coordinates activities of the Committee expert work groups.

4.6. The Committee members shall be entitled to:

  • get information on the Committee activity;
  • make proposals and advance initiatives being within the competence of the Committee;
  • take part in the Committee meetings and vote on issues being within the competence of the Committee;
  • exercise other powers provided for hereby.


5.1. The Committee members shall attend the Committee meetings. A Committee member shall notify the Head of the Committee about the impossibility to attend a Committee meeting for a good reason. The relevant information is entered in the Committee meeting minutes.

5.2. The Committee meetings are held at least two times a year according to the approved proceedings.

5.3. The Committee meetings may be held in form of attendee and absentee meetings by means of electronic communication in form of video conference.

5.4. Decisions in the Committee are made by simple majority of votes.
A meeting is considered duly constituted if at least 1/2 of the total number of the Committee members attend the same.

5.5. The Secretary General of the Association may attend the Committee meetings with the right of participation in making of all decisions of the Committee.

5.6. The minutes of the Committee meetings are signed by the Head of the Committee and the Secretary of the Committee elected to keep minutes and count votes. The Secretary of the Committee may be elected from the whole members of the Committee for each particular meeting or may be appointed on a regular basis by the Secretary General of the Association from the members of the Administrative management of the Association Secretariat.

5.7. The Committee meetings are held by the Head of the Committee or, in his/her absence, by any member of the Committee elected by the Chairperson to hold the Committee meeting.

5.8. The Committee members are entitled to review the minutes of the Committee meetings.