China Written Works Copyright Society
China Written Works Copyright Society (CWWCS), which was founded on October 24, 2008, is the sole copyright collective management organization in written works fields. It is a non-profit organization approved by National Copyright Administration of the People `s Republic of China (NCAC) and Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People `s Republic of China (MCA). And NCAC has awarded the “Collective Management of Copyright License” to CWWCS already.
In accordance with the “Copyright Law of the People `s Republic of China” and “Regulation on the Collective Management of Copyright”, CWWCS was co-sponsored by 12 institutions and organizations and more than 500 well-known Chinese copyright owners in various fields. These 12 institutions and organizations include the Chinese Writers` Association, the Development Research Center of the State Council, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the All-China Journalists Association, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China Association of Science and Technology, etc., which have gathered many copyright owners.
1) Rights management. In accordance with the law and copyright collective management contracts, manage the right of performance, projection, broadcasting, dissemination through information network, reproduction, compilation, etc., sign contract with copyright user, institute legal proceedings against the infringers, etc.
2) Remuneration distribution. As the only statutory body, collect and distribute the remuneration of written works reused under “statutory license” by newspapers, periodicals, textbooks, etc.
3) National and international copyright trading.
4) International communication and cooperation. Organize international communication and cooperation in copyright fields. At present CWWCS has cooperated with the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organization (IFRRO), the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), the Copyright Society of Russia, Norwegian Reproduction Rights Association, Ukraine Copyright and Neighboring Rights Agency, the Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) of Australia, etc.
5) Copyright law promotion. Organize copyright law propaganda, training, research, large-scale promotional activities of copyright, and the copyright industries and market research, etc.
6) Legal advisory services on copyright.

Leaders and Executive Agencies:
President: Mr. Chen Jian’gong,
Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers` Association
Organizational Structure:
- Membership Department
- Licensing and Legal Affairs Department
- Distribution and Clearance Department
- AdministrativeOffice
Executive Deputy Director-General: Mr. Zhang Hongbo