National Center for Intellectual Property of the Republic of Belarus (NCIP)
In accordance with national legislation NCIP executes collective management of authors’ and other right holders’ rights in the Republic of Belarus in cases when the rights holders cannot exercise their rights personally.
NCIP received the state accreditation as a Collective Management Organization in the following areas:
- management of exclusive rights for public performance of literary, dramatic, musical-dramatic, choreographic and other scripted works, incorporated in theatrical and entertainment performances;
- management of exclusive rights for public performance of musical works with and without lyrics;
- management of exclusive rights for broadcasting by air and cable of musical works with and without lyrics;
- management of exclusive rights for communication to the public of musical works with and without lyrics, except for broadcasting by air and cable;
- management of exclusive rights for reproduction, import and distribution of musical works with and without lyrics on tangible media;
- management of exclusive rights for public performance of stage productions;
- management of exclusive rights for public exposition of works of fine arts, applied arts and design, incorporated into theatrical and entertainment performances;
- collection of royalties for public performance, broadcasting or cable transmission of audiovisual works, including musical works with or without lyrics, on behalf of authors of these musical works.
As of May 2023, the NCIP manages the rights of more than 5.8 thousand national right holders, who signed Membership Agreements with the Society. NCIP also represents right holders from all over the world on the territory of the Republic of Belarus in accordance with 65 Reciprocal Representation Agreements with Sister Societies.
NCIP has been carrying out activities on collective management of property rights since 2007.
Total collections of NCIP amounted to:
2020 – 5,093,705.09 Belarusian rubles;
2021 – 5,760,656.04 Belarusian rubles;
2022 – 7,159,441.39 Belarusian rubles.
NCIS is a full member of the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC). It is also as one of the co-founders of CRSEA.
NCIP 2022 Annual Report is available on the official website of the NCIP: .

Structure and Management
- The National Center of Intellectual Property (NCIP) includes the Center for Collective Management (CCM)
- Head of CCM NCIP – A. Denisman
General Director of NCIP
V. Ryabovolov