Russian Union of Rightholders
The creation of Russian Union of Rightholders is the result of fruitful collaboration of societies that protect the rights of authors, performers, producers of sound tracks and audiovisual works and other creative people: the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, Russian Authors’ Society and Russian Organization for Intellectual Property.
The main goal of Russian Union of Rightholders is to realize the rights of all those involved in creation of sound tracks and audiovisual works to receive royalties for free reproduction of their works for personal purposes.
Russian Union of Rightholders carries out its activities in strict compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The objectives of Russian Union of Rightholders are the formation of a legal culture in the Russian music market, support for the development of national cinema and the music industry.
The amount of royalties collected in 2015 made 783 million Russian rubles.

Governing Bodies
- Council
- Board
- General Director
General Director
A. Krichevskyi