Association of Rightholders for the protection and management of rights in the sphere of visual arts (UPRAVIS)
UPRAVIS – Association of Rightholders for the protection and management of rights in the sphere of visual arts – was established for the implementation of the resale right with the resale of the works of art, authors’ manuscripts (autographs) of literary and musical works.
UPRAVIS is non-commercial organization performing its activities in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
Since 2008 UPRAVIS is the state accredited organization in the sphere of the resale right of works of fine art, authors’ manuscripts (autographs) of literary and musical works.
In 2013 according to the Decree of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated 16.12.2013 No. 2105 UPRAVIS received the second accreditation for 10 years (Accreditation Certificate No. MK-03/13 dated 16.12.2013).
Functions of UPRAVIS:
- Collection, distribution and payment of authors’ remuneration;
- Representation of the interests of resale right owners in state institutions and courts;
- Cooperation with foreign partners – similar collective management organizations.
UPRAVIS is a provisional member of CISAC – International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers – since December of 2012.