Standard of the information disclosure
1. This document sets forth the requirements to composition, procedure and terms of disclosure of the information to be disclosed by the corporate members of the Confederation of Rightholders’ Societies of Europe and Asia International Association in the Field of Collective Management of Rights (the Association).
2. The disclosure of information in this document means the provision of data about activities of a corporate member of the Association by posting the relevant information in the Personal Account, the authorized access to which is granted through the official web-site of the Association in the Internet information and telecommunication network.
3. A corporate member of the Association shall provide the following types of information:
3.1. general information about the organization activities, including:
- organization name and date of incorporation;
- objectives, object of activity and functions of the organization;
- information about the Charter, Memorandum of Association (if any) and all amendments thereto, certificate of the state registration of non-profit organization (if any),
- information on the certificate of registration with a tax body or with any other similar body at the organization place of business;
- information on the state body exercising the controlling and supervision functions with respect to the organization;
- regulations for the organization activities;
- list of managers;
- total number of the organization members;
- total number of users.
3.2. information on the area(s) of collective management, in which the corporate member of the Association operates;
3.3. information on accreditation in the area(s) of collective management, for which the organization has obtained the state accreditation;
3.4. information on categories of users of objects of copyright and(or) allied rights and other persons, who according to the law are obliged to provide funds for payment of fee, with which the corporate member of the Association enters into license agreements and(or) fee payment agreements;
3.5. rates, order of collection, distribution and payment of fee for the use of objects of copyright and(or) allied rights, including data on the methods of collection and distribution of the received fee applied by the corporate member of the Association;
3.6. information on decisions of management bodies of the corporate member of the Association made within the framework of collective management of rights by the organization;
3.7. information about the amount of fee:
- collected by the organization for the reporting period and sums withheld from such amounts;
- distributed by the organization but not claimed by the rightholders;
- distributed to the national rightholders;
- distributed to the foreign rightholders;
- received from foreign organizations for collective management of rights;
3.8. information about the organization participation in socially important projects;
3.9. information about the organization participation in legislative activities;
3.10. information on administrative expenses of the organization, including operating costs, financing of branches and representative offices, contributions to funds, contributions to international organizations and other associated expenses.
4. The information provided for by clause 3 hereof is disclosed by a corporate member of the Association on an annual basis, during the first quarter following the reporting period.
5. A corporate member of the Association shall within 30 calendar days from the date of the corresponding request from the Association provide additional data about its activities in writing or in form of an electronic document as agreed with the Association.
6. All information requested by the Association is provided by an Association member to the extent required by the local regulatory acts of the Association member and with consideration for statutory requirements of the Association member.